BC Culture Days 2023 Ambassador Series

For the 2023 BC Culture Days A/I/R Ambassador series, I was chosen as one of 10 ambassadors to receive a mentorship and support in offering free, inclusive and accessible programming to Trail, BC. 

The vision for my event is to demystify the arts, and provide free micro-workshops to my community. By offering the workshops in-person, as take-home packages and virtual experiences, I hope to make this event as accessible as possible.

Virtual Programming can be found here. If you require ASL interpretation, click here

Free mini comics and tutorials can be downloaded here

More about BC Culture Days can be found here

See photos from my event below! We had over 30 participants who learned about mini comics, character design, and storytelling. 

Photograph of Erin Shuttleworth, 2023 BC Culture Days Ambassador
Erin Shuttleworth standing in front of the collaborative comic bulletin board.
Photo of Bobbi and Ryan, hosting a mini comic workshop
Ryan and Bobbi, the author and artist of Lovespells, hosting a mini comic tutorial.
Photo of Rebecca King, character designer
Rebecca King, a talented character artist, hosting a character design workshop. She also designed one of the free mini comics that were offered during the event!
Close up of a person drawing a cartoon character in blue marker on a sheet of paper
A close up of some amazing character design taking place during the event.
Collaborative comic jam displayed on a bulletin board
The collaborative comic jam board at the end of the event. It turns out people are shy to draw in public! We were really happy with the few brave people who participated. 
Close up of the Trail Library workshop, with hand-carved stamps and comic panels for children to make their own artwork with.
A close up of the Trail Library craft. There were stamps available so that it was more accessible and took the pressure off creating in the moment. 
5 mini comics laid on a black table, with a set of scissors and markers
The five mini comics that were free to participants. Credit to Erin Shuttleworth and Rebecca King for their creation.